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12 décembre 2022 - 15 décembre 2022


Understanding the physiology and applications of breathing. Amplifying the effectiveness of your coaching and facilitation techniques. Enhance your intellectual, emotional, and physical capacities.

For healthcare professionals and therapists, coaches, teachers and facilitators

Limited to 12 participants (minimum 6)

Place : Sévrier – Lake Annecy – France

Why breathing?

Every state has a state of breath

This is the point of convergence I was looking for among all the methods and techniques I explored.

Breathing is one of those principles of life and health – like nutrition, sleep, physical activity and hydration – that form the fundamental basis of all traditional preventive medicines.

It sustains life, health and energy we need to accomplish what we want.

For a long time forgotten, breathing has been considered and explored again by science for several years, which allows a more detailed understanding of physiological processes and opens new perspectives.

During these 4 days, I will share the fruit of my research, my learning and my experiments. I will also ask you to pool all your knowledge and fields of application so that each of us can enrich ourselves and connect what we most need to learn. Who am I?

Former high-level athlete, therefore adept of the discipline that allows to explore one’s potential, then international business executive, for 25 years, I submitted my body and my mind to an intense rhythm, neglecting my diet, my sleep, misusing my sports practice, forgetting my breathing.

I sank, but I had for me to be an insatiable curious, eager to understand the internal mechanisms.

Through research, meetings with experts and experimentation, I gradually regained control, dismantled the old patterns, healed the old wounds and finally began the change!

Breathing has been the common thread of my approach, the catalyst of all therapies, the key to my awareness.

As I practiced and became more conscious of my breath, I felt more energy again. I had the power to control my emotional, mental and physical states again.

For the past 7 years, I have been exploring breathing: I have learnt from the best international breathing experts, read all the books I could find, and experienced a large number of practices.

I also had the chance to make hundreds of people breathe during trainings, courses, and conferences that I led or during webinars that I organized spontaneously during the lock downs of COVIOD-19. Their feedback has allowed me to make precise links between the functioning of the body and the mind, links between their needs and expectations.

Why a masterclass?

Far from me the will to imply any dogmatic teaching.

On the contrary, the masterclass is meant to be an exploration and experimentation.

Referring to the source that is the functioning of the body, the masterclass provides understanding of all the existing breathing methods and their actions on the physiology. Thus, helps being able to respond to the needs and specificities of the people we accompany, simply and logically.

During these 4 days, I will share the fruit of my research and my experiments.

I will also ask you to share all your knowledge and potential (or existing) fields of application so that we can enrich ourselves mutually and connect what we need to learn the most.

This masterclass is not a certification to a method.

It provides an opening to a fast developing and useful practice and is an opportunity for individual and professional enrichment.

Why a training for professionals (practitioners, therapists, health professionals, coaches…)? Convinced that breathing should be taught in school, I wondered how best to reach the greatest number of people and reinforce the awareness of the benefits of breathing.

The idea of exchanging knowledge with professionals who, every day, work with and for others, seemed obvious to me.

Breathing is a transversal, integrative approach.

What you will experience will allow you to enhance your practice and the outcome of your clients/patients.

You will learn to “read” your clients/patients by observing them breathing.

You will be able to make the links between their problems and their way of breathing. You will have additional leverage to best meet their needs.

By integrating breathwork into your sessions and prescriptions, you will reinforce the involvement of the people you work with in the search for and the implementation of their own solutions.

You will also enable them to lay the foundation for good physical, emotional and mental health, which, I believe, is a prerequisite for any self-improvement or self-transformation process.

You will help them becoming responsible for themselves.

Wellbeing (or being well) is about knowing the environment, knowing the patterns that govern us, knowing the expected outcome of our behaviors… even if they are negative: the known is the comfort zone.

We would be mistaken if we imagined that we could stay in peace and calmness all the time.

Finding balance is a misuse concept.

More than ever, movement, change and adaptation are the new paradigms of our new world.

And we’d rather speak about finding balance in imbalance, comfort in discomfort or grace under pressure.

Self-awareness is the ability to observe our behaviors, actions and reactions to the stimuli of our environment.

Self-mastery is about defining what we wish to experience – physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually – and to activate the triggers to bring our system into the chosen state.

I change my breathing, my state changes. I change my state, my breathing changes.

Breathing is a doorway to self-mastery

What program? Far from going through a catalog of breathing methods, what I propose is :

– exploring the breath to understand how it works and what comes from it. You are then free to create your own technique or to integrate these principles into your practice to enrich it.

– learning to evaluate the quality and efficiency of breathing and to improve it

-experiencing the breaths that create changes on a mental, emotional and physical level

-using breathing strategies that allow health and performance at the intellectual, emotional and physical levels

Day 1: The kinetics of respiration

Kinetics is the subtle crossroads of knowledge of anatomy and physiology, of the energy that activates and the movement that generates.

Understanding the physical and mechanical components of breathing allows for more conscious access to change.

Finding the mechanical respiratory gesture, both for its capacity to oxygenate the lungs, and for its repercussions on the other organs and functions of the body.

Discovering the power of diaphragm control, understanding the movement of the rib cage, integrating the different volumes and the muscular work that allows them.

Visiting kinetics also means knowing how to evaluate the quality and the efficiency of the ventilation, and being able to correct it thanks to targeted exercises.

Day 2: The biochemistry of breathing

The key to breathing lies in the invisible and I invite you to access it.

How does oxygen get to the cells to generate energy in us?

Why does breathing less allow you to breathe better?

Internal respiration is the domain of the sciences: chemistry, fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, or biochemistry. They explain the role of gases in respiration and show how to use them to make breathing more efficient.

The understanding of the internal processes of diffusion, transport and absorption, allows to elaborate strategies to reprogram the spontaneous breathing. So that it becomes virtuous again and corrects certain disorders and pathologies.

The study of the biochemistry of breathing also opens the doors to performance, on all levels of the human being.

Day 3: Breathing and nervous states

The polyvagal theory invites itself into our study of breathing. The vagus nerve holds the secrets of health and performance that our hyperactive society has forgotten.

It holds the promise of another reading of the human body, of a cartography of the unconscious states of fight or flight, rest and digest, freeze, which it is possible to apprehend, understand and regulate.

Calmness, action, concentration, flow state, but also recovery, sleep, immunity, social bounds… so many powers within reach. The strategies of biohacking, those big or small changes through which we stimulate health and well-being, such as those of the law of hormesis (which establishes that stress, even intense, followed by a long period of recovery, develops the capacity of adaptation of the body and mind), would be nothing without breathing.

Breathing to be in the flow – mental, emotional or physical, to influence our physiology and understand that we can be conscious and active, offers a perfect entry point to progress and performance.

Playing with the parameters of the breath allows us to navigate and regulate our states, like the gearbox of a car influences the speed, the trajectory, the consumption, the longevity…

Day 4: Applications

This fourth day brings together all the key elements through various applications. Strategies to be used in coaching, strategies to apply for a better digestion, a better sleep, tips to associate breathing and movements best, will be visited and practiced.

We will also explore traditional pranayama technics to illustrate that principles described thousand years before us are still, and may be, more than ever, valid.

Buteyko Breathing / one-on-one coaching

4 weeks before the start of the masterclass, I propose an individual coaching on the Buteyko Breathing Method. This breathing practice helps improve your everyday breathing and impacts positively your health and performances.

There’s a very interesting BBC documentary on Buteyko Breathing (from 1998). It’s about 3 patients with very serious breathing problems, trying out Buteyko Breathing and seeing how it goes. The video gives a quick overview on Buteyko Breathing theory and history and shows how effective Buteyko is when done well and with dedication.

You can view the BBC documentary video at this link:

The complete Advanced Buteyko course consists of 7 private 1-on-1 coaching sessions, and you will complete, daily, 3 or 4 breathing sessions (of 10-15 minutes) during 4 weeks. Your sessions will be recorded in the Advanced Buteyko app (App store or Android).


The program includes:

Breathing . General breathing physiology . Biochemical functions of O2, CO2, NO . Breathing and metabolic processes (mitochondria, energy, etc) . Anatomy and mechanics of respiratory system . Breathing interactions with nervous system and polyvagal theory . Workings of breath holding, hyperventilation and minimal breathing . Understanding intellectual / emotional / physical responses through polyvagal theory . Helping people breath through mental blockages and shift their awareness Coaching . Determining breathing deficiencies in clients . “Reading” the nervous system through breathing functions . Bodywork interventions to improve breathing mechanics . Breathing interventions for therapeutic purposes / emotional states . Goal-based breathing interventions for focus, social engagement, energy, sleep, digestion, sports recovery, productivity

And now?

If this program is appealing to you, I would be delighted to welcome you on the shores of Lake Annecy, at the Hotel Beauregard in Sévrier.

Dates: 12-15 December 2022

Location: Hotel Beauregard (Sévrier – Lake Annecy)

Daily course times: 8.30am-12.00pm – 1.30pm-5pm

Lunch is included

Travel, dinner and accommodation is excluded

Price: €1500

You can find many accommodation options in Annecy or Sévrier.

We have a negotiated rate for a single room:

95euro/night, with forest view, including breakfast 110euro/night, with lake view, including breakfast


Please contact me directly by email:


or by phone/whatsapp : +33 6 14 63 74 79 to finalize your application.


Début :
12 décembre 2022
Fin :
15 décembre 2022
Prix :

